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Noah’s G.I.F.T.S. (Giving Initiative For Treatment Support) Program

The Dragon Master Initiative is proud to share and carry on Noah’s G.I.F.T.S. This program allows us to cover a portion of the travel expenses for families who enroll their children in cancer-related medical trials far from home. The Dragon Master Initiative wants to provide hope to the families of children affected by pediatric brain cancer who need care at a center of excellence. Families eligible for Noah’s G.I.F.T.S have a child who is entering treatment at a Member Institution of the Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) (click here to find a list of member institutions.) There may also be exceptions for children who reside in Alabama, Florida, Kansas, and Iowa.

If your family or a family you know has been affected by pediatric brain cancer, please share this page with them. For additional questions, please contact Amanda Haddock .

Frequently Asked Questions

How can I help children with brain cancer get the help they need?

There are various ways you can support Noah’s G.I.F.T.S. Of course, financial donations are always accepted and appreciated. Because we fund travel and per diem costs, while the patient and a caregiver are away from home for treatment, we need donations that support those expenses. Donations of airline miles or hotel points would also substantially help us to defray our costs. Gift cards to national food chains or gas stations are also very helpful.

Who qualifies for Noah’s G.I.F.T.S.?

Families eligible for Noah’s G.I.F.T.S. have a child who is entering treatment for a brain tumor at a Member Institution of the Children’s Brain Tumor Network (CBTN) (click here to find a list of member institutions.) There may also be exceptions for children who reside in Alabama, Florida, Kansas, and Iowa.

How do I apply for Noah’s G.I.F.T.S.?

You can begin your application at the form below or by mail.

Printable Application for Noah’s G.I.F.T.S.

You can begin your application at the form below or by mail.

Printable Application For Noah’s G.I.F.T.S.

If you’d prefer to fill out a physical application to apply for Noah’s G.I.F.T.S., you can download and print the application below. Applications should be mailed to:

Dragon Master Initiative
Noah’s GIFTS
4120 E. 61st Street North
Kechi, Kansas 67067

Scanned applications can be emailed to

Download Application

Online Application

Parent/Caregiver Information (Primary Contact)


Additional Parent/Caregiver Information

For name, you may optionally provide the name of another parent or caregiver that we may contact regarding your application. Please note, by listing them you agree that we may share information regarding this application with them.

Travel Details

Initial Travel Date
MM slash DD slash YYYY
Please indicate the approximate length of time you will need to stay during this visit.
Let us know if there are any other special travel needs we should be aware of.

Patient Information

MM slash DD slash YYYY
MM slash DD slash YYYY
At the Dragon Master Initiative, we want to know more than just your child's illness. If you're comfortable, please tell us what makes your child so very special to you...something they love, what brings them comfort, and what makes them laugh!
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Please indicate if you have received or plan to receive funds from any other foundations for travel-related expenses.